Boys Hostel A hostel for men with modern amenities with food and accommodation is available on the college premises. There are ample facilities for entertainment, sports, and games.
Girls Hostel The college has a girl's hostel facility which provides good hostel accommodation for the students. A hostel for women with modern amenities was constructed in 2013 under Iqbal College Trust. It is ready for the occupation of 200 students with administrative staff providing food and accommodation. There are ample facilities for entertainment, sports, and games.
Library The College has a well-equipped library hosting a large number of volumes spanning across a variety of Management, Humanities, and Self development subjects. We also subscribe to many National and International Journals and periodicals in Management and allied subjects. The housekeeping operations of the Library are fully automated with Library Automation Software.
Sports The college has sports facilities for all students.
Cafeteria The college has a canteen facility for staff and students.
Auditorium The college has an auditorium facility for events and seminars.
Medical/Hospital The college has a health center with a first aid facility for the students.
Wifi The Campus wi-fi is enabled wherein the students can use their laptops anywhere on the campus.
IT Infrastructure The college has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students. well equipped computer lab with wifi and internet connection is available at the institute. The systems are equipped with operating systems (Windows, Linux, Ubuntu) and a large number of application software.
Transport The college has a transport facility for students and staff.
Laboratories The college has a departmental based laboratory facility for the students.