Boys Hostel The College has a Boys hostel. There is nothing like home, but as there is a need for accommodation for the students during the course of study, the college runs separate hostels for boys with adequate and hygienic food, at a reasonable cost. The student representative is selected every year to assist the warden.S students are provided with common television with timings/programs subject to the wardens' consent. Students must be present at 7 pm in the room for the roll call. Self-medication is not allowed and if any student is undergoing medical treatment, the Management and the wardens must be informed of it at the time of admission. Medical assistance is made available to the students in case of sickness. Withdrawals will not be permitted during the course of study.
Girls Hostel The College has a Girls Hostel. There is nothing like home, but as there is a need for accommodation for the students during the course of study, the college runs separate hostels for girls with adequate and hygienic food, at a reasonable cost. The student representative is selected every year to assist the warden.S students are provided with common television with timings/programs subject to the wardens' consent. Students must be present at 7 pm in the room for the roll call. Self-medication is not allowed and if any student is undergoing medical treatment, the Management and the wardens must be informed of it at the time of admission. Medical assistance is made available to the students in case of sickness. Withdrawals will not be permitted during the course of study.
Gym The college has a Gym facility for the students.
Library The college has a library facility for all students. A reprographic facility is available in the library.
Sports The college has sports facilities for all students.
Cafeteria The college has a canteen facility for staff and students.
Auditorium In front of the college, there is an open space by which the college provides an open-air auditorium for grand functions. For ordinary activities and day celebrations, there is a mini auditorium that can accommodate three hundred people. In the MCA block, there is a small seminar hall that can accommodate 150 people. The department functions and association meetings are conducted in this hall.
Medical/Hospital The college has a health center with a first aid facility for the students.
Wifi The College has Internet facilities is available in all the Departments.
IT Infrastructure The college has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students.
Transport The college has a transport facility for students and staff.
Laboratories The college has a departmental-based laboratory facility for the students.
Parking Facility The college has the parking space facility for its faculty, staff, and student
Guest Room The college has guest house/waiting room facilities for visiting faculty and student family members.