Boys Hostel IIIT Trichy provides excellent accommodation to its students, provided by NIT Trichy. The students are provided with all the amenities so that their stay here becomes a worthwhile experience. Every hostel has a common room with AC and TV. Common rooms also have indoor table-tennis for sports recreation. For first-year UG boys, the accommodation is provided at Agate Hostel. It is a four-seater hostel with a capacity of 308 students. For second year UG boys, the accommodation is provided at Topaz Hostel. It is a single seater hostel with a capacity of 126 students.IIIT Trichy provides mess facilities to its students, provided by NIT Trichy. There are ten different mess available for the students, providing food of different cuisines.
Girls Hostel For UG girls, the accommodation is provided at Opal C Hostel. It is a triple seater hostel with a capacity of 360 students.IIIT Trichy provides mess facilities to its students, provided by NIT Trichy. There are ten different mess available for the students, providing food of different cuisines.
Gym Students are highly encouraged to make use of the sports and fitness facilities provided by the institute. The institute offers a big space for sports activities, and it also offers an indoor recreational area that is equipped with various sports facilities. Students can keep their health intact with the gym facilities in the fitness centre. These facilities are provided to help freshen students' minds and enable them to perform well in academic studies with good health.
Library The institute provides a well-equipped library facility to its students and staff. The library is digitalized to make book and journal searches easier and convenient. Students and staff can refer to the library contents while carrying out projects or to clear their doubts and gain more knowledge. The library has more than thousands of books and research publications from scholars around the world.
Sports The Sports Centre is a multi-facility, multi-disciplinary sports complex aimed at developing well-rounded personalities of students. The Building has an Indoor stadium with two shuttle courts and a fitness center. IIIT Trichy students have access to all these facilities. The outdoor stadium has a 400M track. The cricket ground here hosts matches for the city league. The campus is dotted with two football grounds, one hockey field, two volleyball courts, two basketball courts, three tennis courts and two ball badminton courts. Besides each hostel has separate playgrounds and indoor games such as table tennis and carroms. IIIT Trichy students have access to all these facilities.
Cafeteria The cafeteria offers different types of snacks where students can enjoy their breakfast or lunch. The cafeteria offers a menu containing various snack choices for students and staff to choose from.
Medical/Hospital The medical facilities for the students of IIIT Trichy are being provided by the hospital of NIT Trichy, and for specialized medical treatment, students are referred to BHEL hospital. An ambulance is also provided by Apollo hospital of NIT Trichy in case of any medical emergencies.
IT Infrastructure Students can access the NIT lab facilities since the institute is located on the NIT campus. The labs are equipped with 24 hours of internet services where students can carry out their computing learnings.
Swimming Pool NIT Trichy is endowed with a beautiful swimming pool of 25-meter length. It caters to the students, faculty, and other residents of the campus. IIIT Trichy students have access to all these facilities by paying nominal fees.
Convenience Store Students can get their supplies in the stationary or shopping centre on the campus. They can even take photocopy or xerox facilities here. They can get all they need in the store.
Guest Room NIT Trichy provides special accommodation to their guests. IIIT Trichy guests also have access to this guest house. The guests can stay in the guest house by paying nominal fees. The fees for the stay is available at the guest house.
Banks Facilities Medical facilities for the students of IIIT Trichy is being provided by the Hospital of NIT Trichy. State Bank Of India (NIT branch) is located inside the campus of NIT Trichy. It is fully computerized and is giving an exhaustive service to NIT Trichy and IIIT Trichy. Two ATMs has been installed in the campus one in the Shopping Complex and another one near Barn Hall.