Boys Hostel The college has a boy’s hostel facility which provides good hostel accommodation for the students.
Girls Hostel The college has a girl's hostel facility which provides good hostel accommodation for the students.
Library Nearly 5000 books are housed in our modernized library. Sufficient copies of textbooks, Journals, Magazines, Periodicals, and NCTE publications are available. The Library has been completely digitalized.
Sports The college has sports facilities for all students.
Cafeteria The college has a canteen facility for staff and students.
Auditorium The college has an auditorium facility for events and seminars.
Medical/Hospital The college has a health center with a first aid facility for the students.
IT Infrastructure The college has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students.
Transport The College Buses are available for the conveyance of students from nearby Villages.
Laboratories The College Laboratories are well equipped with modern and sophisticated equipment. It has separate laboratories relating to Psychology, Science, Computer, Educational Technology, and Language Lab.
Parking Facility The college has a parking space facility for its faculty, staff, and students.
Guest Room The college has a guest house/waiting room facilities for visiting faculty and student family members.