Boys Hostel The college has a boys’ hostel facility which provides good hostel accommodation for the students. St. Thomas Hostel can accommodate 210 inmates. Hostel administration is managed by a Priest, who is the Chief Warden, and a team of Wardens drawn from the faculty. Hostel Executive Committee takes decisions on routine matters. The hostel is set up in a three-storeyed building that is aesthetically laid out with plenty of open space and a lush green lawn in its Midst. The rooms are well ventilated and airy and installed with fans, tube lights, and comfortable furniture. A Biometric system has been introduced to monitor the attendance and presence of students in the hostel. The hostel has the full-fledged supporting staff, security staff, and other workers. The mess is equipped with excellent furniture, an entertainment system, and purified water. The mess is provided with a steam cooking facility and gas burners. Steaming is one of the best cooking methods for maximizing taste and color while retaining most nutrients in vegetables and rice. Girls Hostel The college has a girl's hostel facility which provides good hostel accommodation for the students. Assisi Hostel is run by Franciscan Clarist Sisters. This Hostel can accommodate about 75 girls. The Management evinces a keen interest in ensuring that the living of the borders on the campus should be secure, safe, and academic-oriented. A chapel is provided so that Catholic students can attend daily Holy Mass and prayer meetings. Hostel, with its beautifully landscaped and carefully tended gardens, provides an ideal environment for a congenial learning experience. Gym The college has a Gym facility for the students. Library LMCST Central Library is fully automated and Koha software is used for circulation, procurement, OPAC, etc. All the library documents are bar-coded and books are issued to the users by reading the barcodes of the document. The college has a central library and 6 department libraries. The reading room is well furnished. The exclusive reference section is available in the library. A visitor’s register is maintained for staff and students. CCTV cameras are installed in the library for strict surveillance. The library houses more than 26460 books and about 500 e-journals covering various branches of Engineering and Technology. The LMCST central library is a member of DELNET which gives access to E-books and 500 full-text e-journals both national and international. The central library is a member of NDL which has a collection of more than 6-lacks e-books. Sports Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology provides great opportunities for all students in indoor and outdoor sports and games activities. The College aims at the holistic development of each student. the College provides the students with outdoor facilities like two volleyball courts, cricket and football courts, a basketball court, shuttle badminton courts, handball court, and an athletic field. they also provide indoor facilities like gymnasium, table tennis, caroms, boxing, and chess. Cafeteria The college has state of an art cafeteria with a most modern centralized food production facility is also in place which serves both vegetarian and non-vegetarian items. Open six days a week, the Dining Hall is an all-care-to-eat style facility. Students will be served healthy and delicious, veg, and non-veg items in a highly hygienic and comfortable ambiance. In the canteen, there is always a shelf space for ice creams, Yogurt, muffins, etc. Auditorium The college has an auditorium facility for events and seminars. Medical/Hospital The college has a health center with a first aid facility for the students. WiFi The college has a Wi-Fi facility for the students and staff. IT Infrastructure The college has advanced computing facilities with state-of-art modern technologies to train manpower in the field of programming languages, data processing, and computer networks. The center has all the latest software required for Engineering and Scientific applications. Transport The college has provided a highly comfortable and convenient transportation facility for the students and staff members from every nook and corner of Trivandrum on all working days. Laboratories The college has a departmental based laboratory facility for the students. Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab Digital Electronics Lab Communication Lab Microwave and Optical Communication Lab Programming and Simulation LabIndustrial Electronics Lab Electronics Product Design Lab etc. Alumni Associations The college has a good networking for the alumni association. Guest Room The college provides accommodation for eminent academicians and industrialists who come in to impart the knowledge to the potential technocrats and managers in the guest house.