Gym The college has a Gym facility for the students.
Library The College library has an extensive collection of over 35000 books and also subscribes to more than 40 periodicals (including journals, magazines and newspapers). The library has subscribed the N-LIST library consortium (database of E-books & E-Journals) and offers access to its contents through password protected user accounts.
Sports The college has sports facilities for all students.
Cafeteria The College has a college canteen functions in the campus. Meals in the noon and other refreshments are available in the canteen to students and staff at concessional rates.
Auditorium The college has an auditorium facility for events and seminars.
Medical/Hospital The college has a health center with a first aid facility for the students.
IT Infrastructure The college has a computer lab with a full-time instructor is functioning under the IT club. The club aims at acquiring 100% computer literacy to all the students and staff of the College. Broadband Internet, as well as DTP facilities, are available to members at subsidized rates.
Laboratories The college has a departmental based laboratory facility for the students.
Convenience Store The College has Various text and notebooks and other stationary items are provided to the members at concessional rate in the college co-operative store.
Guest Room The college has a guest house/waiting room facilities for visiting faculty and student family members.