Boys Hostel The college has a boy’s hostel facility which provides good hostel accommodation for the students. Girls Hostel The college has a girl's hostel facility which provides good hostel accommodation for the students. Gym The college has a Gym facility for the students. Library The college has a library facility for all students. Sports The college has sports facilities for all students. Cafeteria The college has a canteen facility for staff and students. Auditorium The college has an auditorium facility for events and seminar. Medical/Hospital The college has a health center with a first aid facility for the students. IT Infrastructure The College has 160 Systems with Intel Core I3 Processor, DDR-3, 2 GB Zion RAM, 500 GB HARD DISK, 17” Dell LCD Monitor -All Systems are connected with LAN-Reliance 2 Mbps Contention ratio 1:1 Internet is available. Transport The college has a transport facility for the students. Laboratories The college has a departmental based laboratories facility for the students. Guest Room The college has a guest house/waiting room facilities for visiting faculty and student family members.