Gym The college has a Gym facility for the students.
Library 1) The college Library and Reading Room will remain open from 8.00 a.m. From 5.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.On Saturday. However, during examinations, the college Library Reading Room will remain open from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. On all working days. 2) The student should obtain the identity card from the Library as soon as he/she takes admission. The identity card is an important document and should be safely preserved and brought to the college every day. 3) No student will be allowed to enter the Library without his / her identity card and the same should be shown at the entrance of the Library. 4) In case, the identity card is lost, the student should inform the librarian immediately in writing and apply for a duplicate identity card which will be issued with the permission of the Principal only. If the original Identity card is found, later on, the student should return the duplicate one. A student should not keep two identity cards in his / her possession. The use of two identity cards is not permissible and any student violating this rule is liable for severe punishment. 5) The student will be responsible if his / her identity card is misused in any way by any other person.
Sports The college has sports facilities for all students
Cafeteria The college has a canteen facility for staff and students.
Auditorium The college has an auditorium facility for events and seminars.
Medical/Hospital The college has a health center with a first aid facility for the students.
IT Infrastructure The college has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students.
Laboratories The college has a departmental based laboratory facility for the students.