
Prajyoti Niketan College - Facilities

Prajyoti Niketan College, Pudukad, Thrissur-680301, Kerala, India.


  • Girls Hostel
    The college has a girl's hostel facility for all the students. Functioning inside the campus, of which one is run by Adoration nuns and the other, by the Manager. Both the hostels can accommodate 60 students each. The hostel that is run by nuns also provides accommodation to working women since there are not enough lodging facilities in Pudukad for women. Both the hostels are equipped with dormitories, single and double rooms, recreation halls, study halls, separate dining spaces for staff and students, visitors’ parlor, sick rooms, and warden’s rooms.
  • Gym
    The college has a Gymnasium that has been set up on the campus for the students. Separate timings are allotted for its use for the boys and girls.
  • Library
    The college has a library facility for all the students. The college has Eighty-two users (including the seating capacity in the network resource center) who can be accommodated in the library at a time.
  • Sports
    The college has sports facilities for all the students.
  • Cafeteria
    The college has a canteen facility for all the staff and students.
  • Auditorium
    The college has an auditorium facility for all the events and seminars.
  • Wifi
    The College's entire campus is wi-fi enabled and therefore students get ample opportunities to use the internet. Moreover, both the hostels have PCs with internet connectivity which the students can utilize to their convenience.
  • IT Infrastructure
    The college has an Excellent IT infrastructure facility for all the students. The Computer Science department uses the facilities for their practical and project work. The facilities of the Computer lab are utilized by different departments in the context of seminars and other orientation and awareness programs.
  • Laboratories
    The college has a departmental-based laboratory facility for the students. Language Lab. It is open to the students of all the other departments who wish to hone their communication skills and pronunciation especially while preparing for interviews and personality development sessions. Electronics Lab Students from the Electronics department use the facilities for their practical and project work.
  • Convenience Store
    The college has a convenience store facility for students. (like photocopying facility & stationery etc.).


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