Gym The college has a Gym facility for the students.
Library Ramanujan College has a fully automated ICT enabled library for the benefit of the student. It ensures hassle free access to all the resources of the library. The library is well stocked with around 41475 books on Business, Commerce, Management, Economics, Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science. Ramanujan College also subscribes to the Electronic Resource Management Package for e-journals.
Sports Ramanujan College offers both gymnasium and sports room for the recreational purpose of the students.
Cafeteria Ramanujan College provides healthy and hygienic food for the students and their staff.
Auditorium The college has a large auditorium facility for seminars, guest lecturers and different types of cultural events.
Medical/Hospital Ramanujan College has a well equipped healthcare center with first aid facilities for its students.
Wifi The campus is well connected with Wi-Fi for the learning of the students.
IT Infrastructure The college has excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students.
Laboratories the Institute has different labs in the domains of Robotics, Psychology, Accounting & Finance for learning purposes of the students.