
SHM Engineering College - [SHMEC] - Facilities

Shahul Hameed Memorial Engineering College, Pulippara P.O, Kadakkal, Kollam, Pincode 691536, Kerala,


Boys Hostel
The college has separate hostels for gents. The mess is run on a dividing system basis.
Girls Hostel
The college has separate hostels for ladies. The mess is run on a dividing system basis.
This college has a library facility for all students.
This college having sports facilities for all students.
College canteen is located in a separate spacious building near the main building and running on a 'no-profit' basis. It works throughout the year.
This college having auditorium facilities.
IT Infrastructure
I.T Infrastructure is available on the campus for all the students.
The college has got a fleet of its own vehicles for transportation of students hailing from nearby areas and for the staff members. Transportation facilities are subsidized connecting areas like Thiruvananthapuram, Nedumangad, Attingal etc. via the National Highway and State Highway No.1 (Former MC road).
This college has laboratory facilities by deptt.based.
Guest Room
This college having guest room facility.


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