Boys Hostel The college has a boy’s hostel facility which provides good hostel accommodation for the students. Girls Hostel The college has a girl's hostel facility which provides good hostel accommodation for the students. Gym The college has a Gym facility for the students. Library The college has a central library and separate department libraries. college Library has a vast collection of over 44066 information resources that includes technical and general volumes, ready references, encyclopedia, etc. A library is also subscribing to national and international journals and e-Journal packages. college Library is fully automated with an open access system and a barcode-based circulation process. Sports The college has Recreational sports that offer voluntary participation in team and individual sports and games; the desire to participate is of greater importance than skill level. They also offer the opportunity to participate in a sport without the time commitment of a varsity team. Recreational sports teams can be composed of students, faculty, or alumni, and are co-ed. Club Sports are sporting teams that compete with other campuses, however, they are not a part of intercollegiate athletics, or they may simply be sporting clubs interested in developing a particular athletic skill. Cafeteria The College has a well-furnished canteen is functioning in the campus with multi-cuisine food items for use of faculty and students. Auditorium The college has an auditorium facility for events and seminars. Medical/Hospital The college has A full-time Doctor and the Nurse is available in the Clinic to cater to the medical needs of the students and staff. Also 24 hours Emergency Vehicles available for transportation of hospital cases. IT Infrastructure The college has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students. Transport The college has a transport facility for students and staff. Laboratories The college has a Circuits Lab.DIC Lab Communication Lab.Advanced Software LabVLSI & Embedded System Lab.Advanced Communication Lab Alumni Associations The college has good networking for the alumni association. Guest Room The college has a guest house/waiting room facilities for visiting faculty and student family members. Banks Facilities The college has Federal Bank's 24 hour ATM facility available on the campus.