Library The College Library is a center of acquiring, processing, preserving, and disseminating information to the user community with the motto of empowering knowledge. St.Joseph’s library has well-trained staff and an automated library system to enrich the user community with a wide range of academic resources such as books, periodicals, online periodicals, databases, back volumes, CDs/DVDs, project reports, audio/video cassettes, and question bank. The library collection includes 16,713 books, both for borrowing and reference. Free internet access is allowed to students and faculty of the college. The college is a member of the INFLIBNET-NLIST Programme.
Sports The college has sports facilities for all students.
Cafeteria The college has a clean and healthy canteen attached to the campus with dishes and refreshments at reasonable rates.
Auditorium The college has an auditorium facility for events and seminars.
Medical/Hospital The college has a health center with a first aid facility for the students.
IT Infrastructure The college has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students.
Laboratories The college has a departmental based laboratory facility for the students.
Guest Room The college has guest house/waiting room facilities for visiting faculty and student family members.