Boys Hostel The university has a total of 17 hostels for boys students. VIT Vellore boys hostels can accommodate around 1300 students. The hostels have single, double sharing, triple sharing etc. rooms for students. All basic facilities are available at boys hostels.
Girls Hostel Vellore Institute of Technology has 6 hostels for accommodation of girls students. As many as 4300 students can be accommodated in girls hostels. A well equipped gym and modern swimming pool is present inside hostel premises.
Gym There are two gyms at the campus, one for boys and one for girls students. Both the gyms have modern equipment to ensure students are able to achieve their dream physique.
Library The central library of VIT Vellore is a six stoery building. It is spread over an area of 7770 square meters. Students can find books, journals, research papers, publications etc. at the campus. Further, the library also has e-books, CDs and DVDs for students. The Central Library subscribes to national and international journals in print and e-Journals. The library has a video conferencing facility and NPTEL video courses.
Sports For students who are interested in sports, the university has facilities for indoor and outdoor sports. The university conducts sports tournaments at regular intervals for students. Students are encouraged to participate in sports events.
Cafeteria Vellore Institute of Technology has three canteens present at three prime places in the campus. All three canteens are contracted with external caterers and provide quality food at pocket friendly costs.
Auditorium VIT Vellore facilities also consists of an auditorium. The modern auditorium hosts various national and international seminars, webinars etc. The auditorium is spacious and can accommodate a large number of students.
Medical/Hospital A well-equipped health centre with 24*7 facilities for students is present at the campus. The medical centre of the varsity is run by the Chettinad Medical Group.
Wifi Vellore Institute of Technology has wifi for students and faculty members. The wifi is available in every part of the campus. Students can even access wifi in hostels.
IT Infrastructure The varsity has modern computing and IT communication services for the students. Entire campus of VIT Vellore has modern IT infrastructure.
Classrooms The classrooms are spacious and equipped with the latest technology such as projectors, audio-visual equipment etc. VIT Vellore classrooms are also used for seminars and webinars. The modern classrooms allows effective teaching and learning.
Transport The varsity has buses for transportation of students, staff and faculty members. The buses covers major areas of the city. Students are required to minimal sum to avail transportation services.
Swimming Pool The campus also has a swimming pools for students. Separate pool for boys and girls are present within university premises. Both swimming pools are of international standard. Swimming trainers are also there to train students.
Guest Room To accommodate the visiting faculty and family members of students, the university has a well-maintained guest house.