Boys Hostel The hostel rooms are very spacious with attached washrooms. Basic facilities like 24X7 hot water, electricity, etc are also available. XIME Bangalore provides free internet, indoor games and a gymnasium in the hostels.
Girls Hostel XIME Bangalore girls hostel facility has a gymnasium, water, electricity and wi-fi. The hostel rooms are well-lit with a common room for indoor games. Recreational facility like television is also available.
Gym XIME Bangalore gym facility is available for both boys and girl students. The gym is equipped with modern equipment.
Library The college has a central library called Library Management System. XIME Bangalore library facilities have resources like textbooks, reference books, research books, national and international journals, newspapers, national and international magazines, CDS, DVDs, audio-video cassettes, economic dailies and online databases like Ebsco, Pro-Quest and J-Gate. There is also a digital section in the library. The library has subscriptions of Harvard Business School and EMIS ( Emerging Market Information Services) for classroom training and research. Free internet and image scanning facilities are also available in the library.
Sports Indoor and outdoor games both are available at XIME Bangalore. They are chess, carrom, table tennis, basketball court, volleyball court, tennis court, etc.
Cafeteria XIME Bangalore cafeteria facility has hygienically prepared delicious food.
Auditorium The auditoriums are very spacious and can accommodate a large number of people. The auditoriums are used for oragnising events and seminars.
IT Infrastructure Computers in the computer lab are connected with LAN and are equipped with modern software. Students can make use of the facility for making presentations, word processing, data analysis, statistical analysis, image capture and modification and other multimedia activity. The campus is fully wi-fi enabled, providing a high-speed internet facility to the students and faculty members.
Classrooms Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Bangalore classroom facility has LCD projectors. The classrooms are very spacious. There are also many seminar halls and board rooms.