Boys Hostel XIME Kochi facilities and infrastructure includes a separate hostel for boys inside the campus. The XIME Kochi boys’ hostel has well-equipped spacious rooms, attached washrooms, internet connectivity, Wi-Fi. All basic facilities are there in the hostel including 24-hour hot water. Some other facilities available inside the boys’ hostel are a common room with indoor games. The boys’ hostel has grounds for outdoor sports like a football ground, basketball court and badminton court. Facilities for games and gymnasium is also there for boys on the campus hostel.
Girls Hostel XIME Kochi has separate girls’ hostel, ‘Teresa Hall’ is situated right behind the main teaching-cum administration block of the XIME Kochi campus. Well-maintained spacious rooms with french windows are available there inside the girls’ hostel. All required facilities including 24-hour hot water are there inside the girls’ hostel. A gymnasium with a treadmill, sports equipment for playing games like badminton, table tennis, billiards and a common room with indoor games and entertainment facility is also available for girls’ in the XIME Kochi girls’ hostel.
Gym XIME Kochi facilities and infrastructure includes a gymnasium on the campus premises. Students have access to a gym at the XIME Kochi, which is designed with overall general health and fitness in mind. The gymnasium is equipped with modern technology and it is a popular place for students.
Library XIME Kochi has a well-maintained and well-planned library on the campus. The institute has a structured Library Management System to assist students in searching books easily. The library has a huge collection of books, international and national journals and magazines. It also has sets of business newspapers, general newspapers and an international newspaper. XIME Kochi has online databases that include the EBSCO HOST database, EBSCO Management Elite Collection (e-books), Gale Cengage e-journal database, DELNET database, EMIS (Emerging Market Information Services) database for research. XIME Kochi library is a member of NDL (National Digital Library). Internet access, image scanning and CD recording of material in the audio-video reference section are all available there in the library. The library also has a subscription to Harvard Business School cases for classroom training. Over the years, the XIME Kochi library acquired bound volumes of a variety of national and international magazines/journals. Meanwhile, CDs, students project reports are also there in the campus library.
Sports XIME Kochi facilities and infrastructure include sports equipment inside the campus for the students. The campus has outdoor facilities for games like basketball, football, shuttle and badminton. The students utilise these sports equipment to conduct various tournaments and matches. The institute also has indoor games such as chess, carrom and table tennis.
Cafeteria XIME Kochi facilities include Wi-Fi access inside the campus for the students. The entire campus is fully wired and Wi-Fi enabled.
Auditorium XIME Kochi facilities and infrastructure include an auditorium that accommodates 500 people.
Wifi The College have Fully wired and WI-FI enabled.
IT Infrastructure XIME Kochi includes well-maintained IT infrastructure. The computing facilities at XIME Kochi include fully wired computer LAN with approximately 200 PCs equipped with software for generating presentations, data analysis, word processing, picture capture and alteration, statistical analysis, and multimedia activities. Multiple servers are connected to the PCs. On the server, each student has their own folder. Software development kits, RDBMS, and centralised scanning and printing are among the networked resources.
Classrooms Six classrooms with seating capacities ranging from 40 to 120 are available inside the campus. They have a public address system as well as LCD projectors. The institution also has seminar halls, board rooms, placement rooms, MDP rooms, and classrooms.
Guest RoomThe college has a guest house/waiting room facilities for visiting faculty and student family members.