D.K.T College of Education is functioning below the DAWOOD KHAN TAJUNISA instructional Trust. DAWOOD KHAN TAJUNISA instructional Trust has been established within the year 2002 to grant qualitative instructional courses to the youngsters of socially and educationally backward families in and around Tirupur District below the post of Dr.Links D.Sowkath Hayath Khan.
D.K.T College of Education is set at Amaravathipalayam, Tirupur District of Tamilnadu. The field is ten K.M. off from Tirupur on the Tirupur to Peruntholuvu State Highways. the closest terminus is Tirupur and also the nearest aerodrome is at Coimbatore. “Far from the vexing crowd”, the field is set at a serene atmosphere, within the thick of coconut and mango grove that is pleasant, healthy and stimulating in each sense. The field has associate degree array of flower plants and an impressive building. The playground is massive enough to play all games. the College rooms area unit comfy. Laboratories area unit well established. the colleges' area unit qualified and knowledgeable, appointed as per NCTE and Tamilnadu lecturers Education University Norms.
The candidate should have passed the UG Degree examination in the 10+2+3 stream, with the same main subject in Part III, for which she is seeking admission to the B.Ed., Course.
Candidates who have taken more than one main subject in Part III (Double or Triple major) of the U.G. degree have to choose only one of the main subjects and apply for that optional in B.Ed.
Candidates who have done their U.G. degree in Applied Chemistry, Biochemistry or Applied Physics can
Gym The college has Gym facility for the students.
Library The College library is well equipped with digitalized software for accessing, printing, copying, scanning with access to the INTERNET, e-Library a variety of books for the seeders of knowledge. Right from its inception, the D.K.T Institution concentrates on the development of the library. The College library is a treasure-trove-rich in subject books on various titles such as Computer Science, Biology, Physics, Chemistry. Textbooks-8816, Total number of titles-4261, Reference books-542, New arrivals-231 Book bank-163, Number of journals-20, Number of magazines-10, Number of newspapers-5, Encyclopaedia-75, Cd s-65, Scanner with printer-1.
Sports The College is keen on developing sports and Games for benefit of the students. Students are encouraged to take active participation to develop a healthy body, with a sound mind. Participation in Sports and Games develops Team Spirit and it also improves the outlook of the individual.
Auditorium The college has an auditorium facility for events and seminars.
Medical/Hospital The college has a health center with a first aid facility for the students.
IT Infrastructure The college has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students.
Laboratories The college has a departmental-based laboratories facility for the students.