Boys Hostel Chandigarh College of Education, Mohali has a hostel for boys on the campus premises. CCE Landran boys hostel has semi-furnished rooms with attached washrooms. Adequate ventilation and lighting facility is also available in the hostel. An air cooler facility is also there within the rooms of the hostel. The hostel is equipped with well-furnished common rooms with a TV with a DTH connection. The boys' hostel has a warden in each hostel to supervise day to day management.
Girls Hostel CCE Landran has a separate hostel for girls. Semi-furnished rooms with attached washrooms are available at the CCE Landran girls’ hostel. In addition, the hostel provides adequate ventilation and lighting. There is also an air cooler in each of the girls’ hostel rooms. The hostel has well-furnished common rooms, each with a TV and DTH connection. Each girls' hostel has a warden who oversees the day-to-day management.
Gym Chandigarh College of Education, Mohali has a gymnasium fully-equipped with the latest equipment within the campus. Students are trained by instructors and trainers throughout the day. The gym is a recreational facility with a well-equipped weight-training area and a certified kinetics instructor. The institute has a large gym with all of the latest equipment for physical activities and gymnastics, allowing students to make effective use of the facilities in order to maintain a healthy body.
Library Chandigarh College of Education, Mohali has a fully automated digital library equipped with a large collection of books. The library has a reference section with 400 books, which includes encyclopaedias, dictionaries, national educational surveys, and yearbooks, among other things. It also has e-documents on compact disks. For the personnel and students of the institution, the library subscribes to national journals of teacher education, newspapers, and periodicals. The library operations are entirely digitised and run on the IFW Edu Tech ERP software. The library has the most latest technology, including a computer, printer, internet, and reprographic services. The library subscribes to national and international subject journals, magazines of current interest along with national and regional dailies to keep the students informed about current events in the world and their fields of study.
Sports Chandigarh College of Education, Mohali has several indoor and outdoor sports facilities for students on the campus. Students from the CCE regularly compete in inter-collegiate competitions in a variety of sports and games both on and off-campus. The Physical Education Department of the institute hosts tournaments on a regular basis. The CCE Landran has well-equipped basketball hard courts, cricket ground, volleyball courts, indoor badminton courts, table tennis tables (indoor) and weight training gymnasiums.
Cafeteria Chandigarh College of Education, Mohali has a canteen. The canteen can conveniently accommodate 500 students at a time. The canteen is equipped with modern furniture, electrical automatic cooking and storage facilities, allowing students and staff to have hot lunch, snacks, and beverages at reasonable prices. It is well-kept, with timely service and a take away counter. The institute offers a canteen on campus that serves a wide range of dishes at affordable prices.
Auditorium Chandigarh College of Education, Mohali has a spacious auditorium that can accommodate a large audience. The CCE Landran auditorium is used for conducting various events and seminars.
Medical/Hospital A dispensary has been established on the CCE Landran campus to provide students with round-the-clock medical facilities. The dispensary handles basic medical needs as well as unforeseen emergencies. The institute has a full-fledged medical dispensary that is staffed by well qualified and experienced doctors as well as nurses. 24X7 hour medical care facility is available for students and staff members on the campus. The healthcare centre provides free medicines to students and staff from the college dispensary. To deal with emergency cases, college transport is available round the clock to carry the patients for treatment at surrounding hospitals.
Wifi Chandigarh College of Education, Mohali campus is Wi-Fi enabled. The students are also provided wireless connectivity (Wi-Fi) using which they can access online information anywhere in and around the campus using their laptops.
IT Infrastructure Chandigarh College of Education, Mohali has a well-equipped IT infrastructure. The IT infrastructure of the institute controls and manages the networking of the entire campus.
Laboratories Chandigarh College of Education, Mohali has well-equipped laboratories for students. CCE Landran laboratories have various practical equipment to carry experiments required